December 7, 2008

Marcello Mercado
"Wir alle vermissen die D-Mark oder Clara Schumann's DNA Konzert", 05.12.2008

4,30m x 1m 169.3 inches x 39.4 inches
Bioart Performance, 30 minutes

Venloer Str. 24
50672 Köln

Sa|So 13–17h

Marcello Mercado
"Wir alle vermissen die D-Mark oder Clara Schumann's DNA Konzert", 05.12.2008
Bioart Performance, 30 minutes
BLAST, Köln, Deutschland

Marcello Mercado
"Wir alle vermissen die D-Mark oder Clara Schumann's DNA Konzert", 05.12.2008
Bioart Performance, 30 minutes
BLAST, Köln, Deutschland

Marcello Mercado
"Wir alle vermissen die D-Mark oder Clara Schumann's DNA Konzert", 05.12.2008
1,40cm x 1,40cm 55.1 inches x 55.1 inches
BLAST, Köln, Deutschland

Marcello Mercado
"Wir alle vermissen die D-Mark oder Clara Schumann's DNA Konzert", 05.12.2008
Bioart Performance, 30 minutes
BLAST, Köln, Deutschland

December 2, 2008

Marcello Mercado
"Oohing and Aahing", 2008
Blast Kunstraum
Köln, Deutschland

Marcello Mercado
"Today is my social day", 2008
Blast Kunstraum
Köln, Deutschland

Marcello Mercado
"Today is my social day", 2008
Blast KunstraumKöln, Deutschland

Marcello Mercado
„Primordial Capital: Stone-artefacts“,1999-2008
Video Installation, Synchronised two–channel colour video projection with sound
9 minutes loop

December 1, 2008

Dossier Videobrasil 2008:
Final destination: microbes

The boundaries of machinic image
Essay by Jorge La Ferla and Anabel Márquez


Marcello Mercado
"Das Kapital, v.03 und .04", 1999-2008
Video Installation, Synchronised two–channel colour video projection with sound
9 minutes loop

November 30, 2008


"Wir alle vermissen die D-Mark oder Clara Schumann's DNA Konzert"
Performance von Marcello Mercado

Freitag 5.Dezember 2008
um 20:00 Uhr Willkommen!
um 20:30 Uhr beginnt die Performance

Venloer Str. 24
50672 Köln, Deutschland

Marcello Mercado
"Today is my social day", 2008
Installation/ Mixed Media
42cm x 24cm 16.5in x 9.4in
Blast Kunstraum
Köln, Deutschland

Marcello Mercado
"Today is my social day", 2008
Installation/ Hard Disk and Horns
14cm x 15cm 5.5in x 5.9in
Blast Kunstraum
Köln, Deutschland

Marcello Mercado
"Today is my social day", 2008
Installation/ Wood, Plastic, Oil
Variable dimension
Blast Kunstraum
Köln, Deutschland

November 4, 2008

Marcello Mercado
"Today is my social day", 2008
Installation/ Wood, Plastic, Oil
Variable dimension
Blast Kunstraum
Köln, Deutschland

Marcello Mercado
"Today is my social day", 2008
Installation/ Wood, Plastic, Objects, Concrete, Oil
Variable dimension
Blast Kunstraum
Köln, Deutschland

Marcello Mercado
"Today is my social day", 2008
Installation/ Wood, Plastic, Oil
Variable dimension
Blast Kunstraum
Köln, Deutschland

October 26, 2008



Eröffnung am Freitag 31.Oktober, 19-22 h
Ausstellung bis zum 23.November

Opening Friday 31.October, 7-10 pm
Exhibition until 23.November

Marcello Mercado
Wilhelm Neusser
Patrick Rieve

Venloer Str. 24
50672 Köln

Sa|So 13–17h

October 25, 2008


Installation/Marcello Mercado/2008/Plastic, clay/Variable dimension

A hypothetical scenario

"A hypothetical scenario"
Bio-Installation/Marcello Mercado/2006/
Wood,Voltmeter,DNA/Variable dimension

Im Winde wehen

„Im Winde wehen“
Installation/Marcello Mercado/2006/Flagge,Glas/Dimension variabel


Installation/Marcello Mercado/2006/
Darts, Dartboard, Dice, Acryl, Silver tape/Variable dimension

You are beautiful

“You are beautiful”
Installation/Marcello Mercado/2008/Concrete,kneepad/Variable dimension

Leuchtraketen gegen Leuchtraketen

"Leuchtraketen gegen Leuchtraketen"
Installation/Marcello Mercado/2008/
Leuchtraketen,Nase aus Gummi/Dimension variabel


"Das Konzept des Phallus in der Bush Ära"
Installation/Marcello mercado/2007/
Steinartefakten/Dimension variabel

October 24, 2008

Historia Crítica del Video Argentino
Jorge La Ferla compilador.
Graciela Taquini , Rodrigo Alonso, Ana Claudia García , Anabel Márquez,
Raquel Schefer, Gustavo Galuppo, Eduardo A. Russo , Mariela Cantú,
Adrián Cangi , Sofía Reynal y Mariela Yeregui.
Ed. Fundación Eduardo F. Constantini y Fundación Telefónica
Buenos Aires. Argentina. 2008

July 29, 2008

Mediatopia: Border Transmission Project (at ISEA Singapore 2008)
{mashup, remix, transmit}

Input: Browse

Marcello Mercado
FFFF FFFS FFSS SSSS The pluripotent
Marcello Mercado
07/29/2008 - 11:11
Marcello Mercado
Series of Periodical Bilinear Surfaces
Marcello Mercado
07/29/2008 - 10:47
Marcello Mercado
„Series of Periodical Bilinear Surfaces“
Marcello Mercado
07/29/2008 - 10:42
Marcello Mercado
„The Chemical and Physical Perception, in the Eye of the Cat, in the moment of the cut „
Marcello Mercado
07/29/2008 - 10:42
Marcello Mercado
“Das Kapital version.07"
Marcello Mercado
07/29/2008 - 10:42
Marcello Mercado
"“Das Kapital version.01"
Marcello Mercado
07/29/2008 - 10:42
Marcello Mercado
Marcello Mercado
07/29/2008 - 10:13

July 19, 2008

Laisle Travelling

Alexandra Dementieva, Alexandre Milagres, Andres Senra, Bart Van Dijck, Daniel Saraiva, Dellani Lima e Rodrigo Lacerda Jr, Erika Fraenkel, Joacélio Batista, Leonardo Galvão, Marcello Mercado, Marcos Bastos, Mihai Grecu, mm não é confete, Nelton Peines, Ozuland e Pascal Lièvre e Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay

lançamento_ 19/07/2008, sábado, 14h30-17h
exposição_ 19/07/2008 a 19/07/2008

Laisle Travelling é um evento onde nós estaremos apresentando boa parte do que entendemos ser uma interessante representação da produção de vídeo arte contemporânea Brasileira e internacional. Esta exibição foca em diferentes aspectos da produção contemporânea.Esta exibição tenta focar nos diferentes aspectos da arte contemporânea, principalmente político, processos de comunicação e pesquisa em termos técnicos e estéticos.

segmento_ vídeo

Universidade de Waseda - B1F Muti-use hall
Nishi Waseda 1-7-14-4F Okuma Memorial Tower - Shinjuku-ku
Shinjuku / Tóquio / Japão

July 1, 2008

New Acquisitions in History of Art
UC Berkeley Library

Video argentino : ensayos sobre cuatro autores:
Carlos Trilnick, Aretproteico, Marcello Mercado, Ivan Marino

#1. ed.Buenos Aires : Nueva Libreria, 2007.
Main Stack N6635.65.V53V53 2007

June 19, 2008

Sydney Film Festival
Dendy Opera Quays

Introduced by Solange Farkas , Director Videobrasil and MAM. Presented with Sydney Film Festival and The Brasilian Consulate with support from the Australian Film Commission.


Investigative depth and apprehensions concerning contemporary society mark the prizewinning works at the 16th International Electronic Art Festival SESC_Videobrasil. The jury was composed of David Cranswick (Australia), director of d/Lux/MediaArts in Sydney; Jean-Paul Fargier (France), cinema critic and lecturer; Martin Mhando (Tanzania), filmmaker, curator, and academic; Berta Sichel (Brazil), director of the Audiovisual Department of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid; and Daniela Bousso (Brazil), director of Paço das Artes and Museu da Imagem e do Som, São Paulo. In addition to the prize-winning works on this programme, awards were also conferred for the loops As mãos do Epô (Ayrson Heráclito, Brazil-BA) and Jerk off 2 - Projeto dízima periódica (Alice Miceli, Brazil-RJ).
The video The Chemical and Physical Perception, in the Eye of the Cat, in the Moment of the Cut (Marcello Mercado, Argentina) received honorable mention.

April 25, 2008

4a Edicao da Sao Paulo Arte, Feira Internacional de Arte de São Paulo.
Pavilhão da Bienal do Parque do Ibirapuera
Sao Paulo, Brasil

Ciclo de Palestras e Videobrasil 1983-2007 - Retrospectiva
Premiados | Programação {pdf)

25 de abril (sexta-feira)
Duelo dos Deuses – Pedro Vieira
E o Zé Reinaldo, Continua Nadando? Adriano Goldman e Hugo Prata
Poesia é Uma das Linhas e Por trás Uma Imensa Paisagem – João Moreira Salles
Techno/Dumb/Show – Jonh Gillies
Janaúba – Eder Santos
Ogodô Ano 2000 – Marcondes Dourado
The Warm Place – Marcello Mercado

April 7, 2008

Ciclo de Video Arte
Auditorio de la Alianza Francesa de Buenos Aires
Córdoba 936
Buenos Aires, Argentina

07.04.2008 19hs
Coordinación: Victoria Sacco

Gustavo Caprín,
Sebastián Díaz Morales,
Marula di Como,
Iván Marino,
Marcello Mercado,
Andrea Nacach
Miguel Rothschild

El Museo de Arte Moderno inaugura el año 2008 con una selección de obras recientes e inéditas
de talentosos artistas argentinos, que residen actualmente en el exterior. El Museo cumple así con el
objetivo de difundir el Video Arte argentino, acercando la obra de estos artistas a su país natal.

February 16, 2008

"El cine después del cine"
by Jorge La Ferla
Suplemento Adncultura diario La Nación, Buenos Aires, Argentina.(spanish)

De la pantalla grande a las películas on-line, aranceladas y "a la carta", una revolución tecnológica irreversible está modificando el modo de producir y de mirar obras audiovisuales. La muerte del celuloide y el fugaz apogeo de los soportes digitales alumbran una nueva era para una forma de expresión artística emblemática del siglo XX

January 31, 2008

Transmediale. Conspire...
Series of Periodical Bilinear Surfaces
Marcello Mercado [de/it],
see as well: [CP_03] Sudden Intervention: Thursday 31/1, 13:00
Several procedures of converting and compressing seem to allow an insight in the chaotic worlds of data-processing.
"Meanwhile I was 'all ears'. I could hear the Modelling of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms; The corporation´s internal memos; The wiretappings; The variations in sunlight intensity; The soft code procedures; The normal 3D Pamphlet; The apparatuses patriotics and paranoids." (Mercado)

January 30, 2008

Lack, Druck, Folie, Bleistift auf Papier/ 2005/ Marcello Mercado / Germany

Installation / 2005/ Marcello Mercado /Germany

January 29, 2008

"Eine Gefahre für sich selbst"
Wasserfarben auf Papier / 2006 / Marcello Mercado

“Interpretation is the revenge of the intellect upon art.”
Susan Sontag

"There are no facts, only interpretations."

"Alles Nahe werde fern" (everything near becomes distant) Goethe

Lack, Öl auf Papier / 2006 / Marcello Mercado / Germany