January 25, 2007

- Learn by doing - he said...

- Just write it down. That's all I'm asking.

The Temptation of St. Javascript:

- Y'know, I have a question for you...
- (laughs) I guess so, I don't remember where I am...
- Please tell me, where I am? Your answers must contain 6 - 20 characters.
You cannot use the same answer twice. Please write two different answers!


It is a time consuming process!

January 24, 2007

Southafrica 2005

ambientIntensity 0
diffuseColor 0 0 0
specularColor 0 0 0
emissiveColor 0 0 0
shininess 0
transparency 0
- He wanted to know what was so great about him...
- I couldn't say
- But, anyway, you are one of the biggest names in the penguin- business!
- ... That depends, how accurate are you?

January 23, 2007

I hope that you are ok.
I must always...be ok.
Everything seems to be OK again

Informations nutritionelles pour 100g Web Page:
Energie 252 kJ
Proteines 2.2g
Fastened to a dying animal-write Y.
Tout sterilise
Stabilisant E 407: 0.02%
la marque de salubrite!

Merci de votre visite!
Can I do it at home?
The official answer is of course "No."

- Okay, well listen M. , I thank you very much. Please tell both W. and J. thanks for their help as well.
- I certainly will.

My body reflected in countless transparent objects and their contents. It is an absent body, in spite of all the signs, alarm devices, commands and controls. 1996

Modulation of body plans on plots marked with disturbance-vectors, from one side to the other of the entrails. I will not remain complete.1997

Necesito nuevas soluciones.
Es lo mas claro que puedo decirte.
Ayer quería levantarme para escribirte.
Muy tarde muy cansado muy perdido. 1999


This error means an internal server error occurred.
There is no need to inform us by mail of the error.


Get Involved!
"Hans Berger demonstrated that the electrical impulses of the human brain could be recorded in 1929"
The Waihopai station.
- I appreciate your talking to me, it's a great pleasure to talk to you.
- Well, it's my pleasure too.
Binary conversion routines.
Parecen cadáveres pero son verduras.
Dollar area.
Market trend/ market research/ black market/forwar
market/spot market/ market share/market valuation/
Due to the graphic nature of the graphic nature, viewer discretion is advised.
- hehe
- hehe
- exactly...

Marcello Mercado

"Objects / In A Network Of Tangled-Up / Porous Graduation-System /
Every Fragment / Lighted Up +- 5 Grade-Centigrade / Lights Options /
Space Sterilized / In Ethylene Oxide Chambers/ Immediate Stiffness /
From Now On / Bodies Are Checked/ Corruption Centers /
The Need Of Avoiding / Any Heat-Foam / Generating Movement /
A Regular-Constant-Limit Alteration / 
New Subdivisions / Neighborhoods Are Broken Up / I’m Placed Inside /
A Barren Vase / I’m Decayed And Greenish / Due To The Action Of /
Sulfuric Hydrogen / Layers And Granulations / Dissected Walls /
I Can Produce / Certain Forces/ And Be Placed Slantwise On/ The Surfaces Of / Stable-Definite Shapes / I-Lost Tooth / I-Filled Cavity / I-False Tooth /
I-Altered Tooth / I Slide Along 0,5-0,8 Gram Structures / I Over Clear-Depth / And Paternal Copulatory Branches / My Organs / Hanging From My Neck /
The Pace Of / Cumulative Wound /
I With No Starting Point / I -Pharmaceutical Flesh / I-Automatic Product /
Of Spare Cells / I-Reversible Vectors/ I ‘M Water Spin-Off /
That Stones Compress / I-Pineal Gland / I-Light Up / I-Circadian Rhythm /
I-Fluorescent Light / I-Reprogramming / And Memory Work / I-Radiation /
I-Cycle Variation / I-Watched By Radars / Satellites / And Infrared Cameras /
I-Pax-Cia-Pax / Chemical Waste / And Clandestine Military Tests /
Huge Racist Societies / Running Away To The Future /
I-Watched By Other Bodies/ In Impact Society / I’m Mingled / Among People / Behind Their Sexual Odors / And Food Fermentation / I-Secret Service /
Tension-Distension Clash/ Impossible To Explain/

I’m The Watercarts / And The Helicopters /
The Inefficient Economic Systems / Legs Open Up
Those Liquids / Taken For Love

Gravity / Shapes Me Up / Cuts Up Cords / Knocks Out Teeth / Break Up Pipes /
Blows Springs Out / Losens Screws / Rots Wood /  
I-Abstraction / Secretory Cow-Cow / Biology Leads Me To Mediocrity /

I’m This Personal Border / Of Suppressed Liquids /

Copulation-Copulation / Hides Animals In Nooks / Bees Buzz / And Oceans Disolve / Carbon Dioxide /
And Slaughter Birds / My Skin Wounded / Strangled-Burned /
Electrocuted-Grazed / Chapped-Torn Apart / Flies Of Reverse Flight /
Glub-Glub-Glub / Insects Fly Dreadfully / Across Electric Spaces „ 
Marcello Mercado
Curator for one day I /2007

The Warm Place
by Marcello Mercado

1998, 36'00'' (sound, colour). Collection: Netherlands Media Art Institute.

Collage - Narrative/narration - Sound - deconstruction - image - personal history - violence

Curator for one day II /2007

The Edge of Rain
by Marcello Mercado

1995, 41'38'' (sound, colour). Collection: Netherlands Media Art Institute

Video Vortex 2007

January 22, 2007

„Primordial Hunters – Ur-Jäger“

by Marcello Mercado
12´ 07“ 4:3 color PAL Stereo 2007 Germany – South Africa
Music: Marcello Mercado

Cape Town, Southafrica, 2006
I can look on the hunters in the distance. The sun-light, the handler and the dogs. The suppression of distance.
To escape, to copulate to eat. The species classification is dissected.The strategy of food procurement and food storing. The hunter is in tune with the prey. Tiny grains of sounds. To disable or to kill. The victim’s heads: Stay tuned! and today the challenging words are : behavioral, carnivorous, insects, velocity!

"Primordial Soup – Ur-Suppe“

by Marcello Mercado
07´ 57“ color PAL Stereo 2007 Germany – South Africa

Primordial Soup is a performance that I did in Cape Town, Southafrica,in which I tried to revisit, to review and to repeat the experience of the different theories about the origin of Life. A kind of prebiotic-soup, an hypothetical simulation. Mixing Mr. Oparin and the Miller-Urey experiment. Looking for the origin of life meanwhile a group of scuba-divers were reparating a boat.


Photo: Pablo Romano

"Genetic-generated Poetry"
by Marcello Mercado

I have tested several explanations: The clock is ticking.
Who would know ?
A pure ,mathematical , database, unmatched and unsafe.
The average number of caucasian alleles.
By reconfiguring the columns and resorting:
10 loci - 2 match as before 9 loci - 8 matches as before in effect 7 loci - 3,252 match 6 loci - 11,165 matches.
Criminal in its falsity, may be depends upon the amount of voltage applied.
MM autochthonous DNA profiles simulation, A meaning-center tended.
=False, Link:=False, Attachment:=False
I was trying to convince not only the others but also themselves(the growing at exponential rates- pesticides in the medium)
Statistically similar, minimized error, coordinated map system, operating on multiple levels, as unusual punishment
words-baseless- linking a membrane-keeping steril
Reinforced polypropylene , microporous matrix, High stability silicon photovoltaic detector , internal microprocessors.
Conclusive? one-sided examination-retroactive version
Siren tones-detectors in petroleum tanks-Intense sound levels in mammals
I have provided samples -standard Type I or Type II-but weather conditions... He said:"nothing was done to stop the annihilation"
The compass provides bearing information while I am standing still, and is destroyed.
Tuesday 04/19/2003
Soundart / Soundscape/ Phonography

Kalt, nass, müde I

by Marcello Mercado / 2003

original filename kalt_nass1mp3.mp3

Kalt, nass, müde / Driesenerstrasse 23, Berlin. I did some street-recordings with alarm-patterns and interventions with 1khz. I am alert of suspicious activities.You are alert of suspicious activities.He is alert of suspicious activities She is alert of suspicious activities.It is alert of suspicious activities.We are alert of suspicious activities You are alert of suspicious activities.They are alert of suspicious activities.

file info: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 128 kBits, 44.1 kHz, Stereo
file size: 2.2 MB

09-02-2007 - 16-02-2007
Soundtransit in the Portuguese "Sounds of Space" program,
hosted by Paulo Raposo, Radio Zero, Lisbon.

4 April 2007
ResonanceFM, London

22 April 2007
ORF 1, Vienna

11 February 2007
Soundtransit mixed by Nick Mariette
ABC Radio, Australia

January 20, 2007

Video Argentino; Ensayos sobre 4 autores:
Carlos Trilnik; Marcello Mercado; Arteproteico; Ivan Marino

por Jorge La Ferla, Mariela Cantú, Anabel Marquéz
Editorial Nueva Librería. Buenos Aires. 2007

January 19, 2007

Köln, 2001

Failure phrases=failed; incorrect; forget your password;
failure; invalid; expired; stolen/
Lots of fruits/ vegetables/grain breads/ cereals every day/
Strong problem solving skills, attention to detail.
Strong influencing. Test Parameters.
(All items listed here affect test results)
If ya want to drop me a line you can do so at@@
...The remaining bits from today/
- Okay, you take care.
- You too.
- Bye bye
- Bye bye

Berlin, 2005

Berlin, 2006

Köln, 2004

Köln, 2003

Floto en fluidos procariotes-eucariotes. Evoluciono hacia un ecosistema gobernado por microbios.
Estoy entre la nucleación del agua y un planeta muerto. 1993

-I'm floating on procaryote-eucaryote fluids. I'm evolving towards an ecosystem governed by microbes.
I'm between the nucleation of water and a dead planet. 1993

Marcello Mercado

Ich bin Marcello Mercado,
Italiener und am 16, März 1963 in Chaco geboren.

Seit 1999 lebe und arbeite Ich in Deutschland.

Der Titel des Videos lautet:

„The Chemical and Physical Perception,
in the Eye of the Cat, in the moment of the cut „

Das Video ist eine Animation über
den Prozess der Schmerztransmission,
inspiriert von neurologischen Modellen.

1973 habe Ich bei einem Unfall,
meinem kleinen, rechten Finger verloren.

In meiner Vorstellung wird dieser Umfall
von einer Katze beobachtet.

Wie wir fühlen und lernen?
Wie arbeitet diese "slow Hardware"?

Ich habe hoch frequente Töne benutzt,
um die bio-elektrischen Prozesse zu zeigen.

Ich nenne meine Kunst: Biorealismus.

Eine Kombination aus Bio-Performances,
3D Objekten, und on-line bio-Lab.

Zum Beispiel: Goedel 1, 2, 3,
eine on-line Performance mit verschiedenen
Verkehrs-Überwachungskameras in Köln.

Ich treibe durch Prokaryonten-Eukaryonten-Flüssigkeiten.
Ich bewege mich auf ein Ökosystem zu,
das von Mikroben beherrscht wird.

Ich stehe zwischen der Entstehung des Wassers
und einem toten Planeten.

Im Anfang war der Mathematik, Kunst
aber die Schale zerbrach.

Arte, a-man-te ca-ra

Wenn Adam grub und Eva spann,
Wo waren die Bakterien dann?

Das Vorbild-Schema.

Drei Mal so alt wie ein Hund wird ein Pferd
werde Ich, werde Ich

16:00 - 18:00 Erste Hundewache
18:00 - 20:00 Letzte Hundewache

Ich habe eine Sprache erfunden: Die XAD.06
Eine Sprache um die Gedanken zu überdecken,
zu löschen.

Der dynamischen Modulation von...
Die kompakten Wäande,
Eine Serie von Filtern...

Troposphäre und Tropopause...
Arie des Königs als dänischer Bakteriologe Gram.

Ich glaube das Wichtigste von allem ist einfach...

Ich glaube das Wichtigste von allem ist einfach...
den Victorianischer Zeitplan der Biotrauer, zu lernen:

Todesfall :Escherichia coli Trauerphase: 6 Monate
Todesfall :Campylobacter Trauerphase: 3 Monate

Todesfall :Aquaspirillum Trauerphase: 7 Wochen
Todesfall :Legionella Trauerphase: 1 Jahr

Todesfall : Pseudomonas Trauerphase: 6 Monate
Todesfall : Acinetobacter Trauerphase: 4-6 Wochen

Um und um...
Wo sehen Sie den Unterschied?

Wissenschaft und Kunst.
Streunende Hunde.

Das System ist also reversibel.
Eine Wahnsinnszene in zwei Akten.

Tag der Belohnung.
Nachtrag: Lesen aus dem Feuer.


3 minutes color PAL stereo Germany 2005

Genetic -Essay/ Autobio_rocket_DNA.

By Marcello Mercado

January 17, 2007

32.difficult to detect irregularities

Netart Project 2007 by Marcello Mercado

Explorer 5 or + Flash plug-in 7 or +

Software: Javascript, Flash

(the user must play a lot with the browser)

"How does the Inconsistence work, practically?"

Netart Project 2007 by Marcello Mercado

Explorer 5 or + Flash plug-in 7 or +

Software: Javascript, Flash

(the user must play a lot with the browser)

6497641 acaatgttta atgcactttt aaagccacat gcgttgtttt

6497701 gaaatttctc attagtcgct gtctaacacg gcacttctgt

6497761 cactttttta ctgaggtagg ggaagtctac cagcctgttg

6500101 acggtacggc tgcccgtcaa cgcttccctc gcaacgctcgg

6500161 agcggtaggt tgcagggtgg acccaaggac ggtgggagg

6500221 tgctctccct ctcttttttc tacaccccac aaaccaagcgcg

a fit embodiment of abstract

a creation out of nothing

Series of periods of moderate activity

purpose of expanding

purpose of expanding

purpose of expanding

Right to left, right to left to the abstraction"

Javascript project that dialogues with:
a) web.01
b) an hybrid of web.01 and web.02 and
c) web.02

Javascript project that dialogues with inconsistence, with a kind of broken abstract paintings, with logins and passwords that nobody asks, with information with no help center, no site use agreement to read, the project is empty but you can add a synopsis.

Is that correct? Anyway I need inconsistence in this context
I am not in a position to post consistence-consistence, well...
The preceding unsigned javascript comment was by me (a kind of File Under Review or like a requested page that could not be displayed, or...)

Dialogues-Examples with plusses and minuses + plusses and minuses:

Dialogue 1:

-Error establishing a database connection!
-Are you sure there is a valid database connection?
- Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
- Are you sure you have the correct user/password?

Dialogue 2:

-MrX, Error executing error template.
-Are you sure that the database server is running?
- Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- Are you sure it exists?

Dialogue 3:

-Please: Rate this folder:
Loved it!
Rated by 0 people

- The requested 0people.pdf was not found on this server.
- please use the standard phrase...
- Pleasure to talk to you. Thank you
- Hello Mr X.
- Our internal reference code for your message is...
- We are really sorry, but something went wrong while handling your request..
- are you...? Please your Image....

January 16, 2007

In what type of dwelling do you live?
[Select]Condo (own)Condo (lease)ApartmentHome (rent)Home (own)Home (lease)DormOther

What is your age range?
[Select]13 - 1718 - 2425 - 3435 - 4445 - 5455 - 6465 or
overRather not say

What is your political preference?
LibertarianUndecidedRather not say

What is your primary language?

Built by strata in segmentary systems.

What is your ethnic background?
[Select]CaucasianAfrican AmericanHispanicAsianAmerican IndianOtherRather not say


What is your household income?
[Select]Under $20,000$20,000 to $29,999$30,000 to $39,999$
40,000 to $49,999$50,000 to $74,999$75,000 to $99,999Over $100,000

Click OK.
Click OK.

quiero suponer que te vas a ir con R. a Riga.
quiero que me digas que te vas a ir con R. a Riga.
te vas a ir con R. a Riga?
hay algun motivo real que impida que te vayas con R. a Riga?
si lo hay, lo entendere.
si no, te mato. 1999

- No better, no worse...
- go ahead R.

Foreign currency translation adjustment
He minds nothing. ;)
His company sells 80% of all processors.
Used in PC and some supercomputers from IBM
Hmm. 4 times of Television resolution still not enough for the details?
Hmmmm..maybe you make a small one, that fits on the page and with areas that link to detailshoots?
That could be a try. The image has link areas that lead to a page
that shows this area in very big. 2000

Stimme - Melodie des einsamen Kaisers.
Monodrama in einem Akt.
The Doctrinal no-voice.
Pattern alimenticio and the upper limit of
a sigmoid curve
Cortically - disjointed language.
kontrolliet u. repariert.
Pavonearse con el Pavo Real.
and 3 mm of fetal bovine Serum.
Warum sagst du ni was?
Watch your mouth!
Waiter service:
5.30pm-11pm Tuesday to Saturday
5.30-10pm on Sunday
5.30-10.30pm on Monday
Grands effets, petites causes.
La gravité de la crise.
La Terreur n'est pas nécessaire.
The dendritic arborisation of the neo-cortex.
A little collection of mostly illegal concepts.
- Hehe, I am prolly making an idiot out of myself, but I am having fun!
- Fun! Fun! Fun!

January 4, 2007

Art and Artists

Claude Monet. (French, 1840-1926.
Reflections of Clouds on the Water-Lily Pond. c. 1920.
Oil on canvas, three panels, Each 6' 6 3/4" x 13' 11 1/4" (200 x 424.8 cm), overall 6' 6 3/4" x 41' 10 3/8" (200 x 1276 cm)

Paul Cézanne. (French, 1839-1906).
Still Life with Fruit Dish. 1879-80.
Oil on canvas, 18 1/4 x 21 1/2" (46.4 x 54.6 cm)

Odilon Redon. (French, 1840-1916).
Landscape at Daybreak. 1872.

Oil on canvas, 15 1/8 x 21 3/4" (38.4 x 55.3 cm)

Hans Haacke, news, 1969

Hans Haacke

Georg Baselitz

Stanley Brouwn

Lygia Clark 1

Hélio Oiticica

Krzysztof Wodiczko

Claude Monet, Seerosen (Nymphéas), 1915/17

Munch, Vier Mädchen auf der Brücke, 1905

Vincent van Gogh, Die Zugbrücke, 1888

Gustave Courbet, Meeresstrand, 1865

Rembrandt, Selbstbildnis, nach 1665

Paul Baum, Sommer in Flandern,1892

Caspar David Friedrich, Flussufer im Nebel, 1820/25

("Close your bodily eye, so that you may see your picture first with the spiritual eye. Then bring to the light of day that which you have seen in the darkness so that it may react upon others from the outside inwards. A picture must not be invented but felt. Observe the form exactly, both the smallest and the large and do not separate the small from the large, but rather the trivial from the important.")

"From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity."
"Aus meinem verwesenden Körper sollen Blumen wachsen, und ich bin in ihnen und das ist Ewigkeit."

"One night I was walking along a lane, on one side stood the town and underneath the Fjord, I was tired and sick. I stopped to look beyond the fjord — the sun was getting down — the clouds were tinged with a blood-red, I heard a cry to cross Nature: I almost thought of hearing it. I painted this picture, I painted the clouds like true blood. Colours were crying"

"Für einen Künstler ist es vor allem gefährlich, gelobt zu werden."
Edvard Munch (1863-1944)

Das große Rasenstück (Wien), 1503 Albrecht Dürer

Melencolia I, Kupferstich (1514) Albrecht Dürer

Feldhase 1502 Albrecht Dürer


Artists links:

Tilman Peschel
Tamara Lorenz
Ivan Marino
Marcia Vaitsman
Mihai Grecu
Laboratorio Symbolon
Andreas Walther
Herwig Weiser
Gustavo Caprin
Marcelo Santorelli
Patrick Holbrook
Net.art connexion
Social Fiction Links


Art Links

Guggenheim Collection

MoMa Collection

Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud

The Saatchi Gallery

Agora Gallery