January 22, 2007

Soundart / Soundscape/ Phonography

Kalt, nass, müde I

by Marcello Mercado / 2003

original filename kalt_nass1mp3.mp3

Kalt, nass, müde / Driesenerstrasse 23, Berlin. I did some street-recordings with alarm-patterns and interventions with 1khz. I am alert of suspicious activities.You are alert of suspicious activities.He is alert of suspicious activities She is alert of suspicious activities.It is alert of suspicious activities.We are alert of suspicious activities You are alert of suspicious activities.They are alert of suspicious activities.

file info: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 128 kBits, 44.1 kHz, Stereo
file size: 2.2 MB

09-02-2007 - 16-02-2007
Soundtransit in the Portuguese "Sounds of Space" program,
hosted by Paulo Raposo, Radio Zero, Lisbon.

4 April 2007
ResonanceFM, London

22 April 2007
ORF 1, Vienna

11 February 2007
Soundtransit mixed by Nick Mariette
ABC Radio, Australia

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